Monthly 50-metre competitions

Every Tuesday, we organise a competition in the 50-metre range. There is a set monthly schedule for different competitions and all of our members are very welcome to join in if they wish. Key requirements for entry are: You must be a member of RAGC (or competing clubs on inter-club competition nights) and you must shoot a .177 calibre rifle using a bag or bipod to rest the front of your rifle and your shoulder or hand to rest the rear.

The competition schedule for 2024 is as follows:
On the first Tuesday each month, our members get together with members of Rivington Riflemen for an inter-club competition.
This competition has been running for several years now and is very well received by all participants.
As part of this competition, the members of each club in turn shoot 1 competition card per competitor and we count the combined scores together to determine the winning club. The number of cards counting towards the final scores depends on how many competitors each team has. Usually we count the top 5 only but if there is a good turn out we may agree to only drop the 2 lowest scores for the smallest team (e.g. if RAGC have 12 competitors and Rivington have 10, we only count the top 8 for either team)

On the second Tuesday each month, we host the club’s internal 50-metre competition. Unlike the inter-club competition, participants shoot 2 cards with a short break in between. Scores are accumulated over the year with the best 9 out of 12 results being counted for each competitor. This allows each competitor to miss up to 3 entries over the course of the year, due to holidays, illness or otherwise, and still achieve a Full Score for that year.

On the third Tuesday each month, we again host the Inter-Club Competition. On the first Tuesday, team RAGC gets first practice and first shoot, on the third Tuesday team Rivington gets first practice and first shoot.

On the fourth and fifth Tuesday of each month, (yes, some months have 5 Tuesdays, no matter what some people seem to think!), we host either Practice Comps or so-called “Fun Comps”. This may include, for example, reverse cards (shooting at the blank back of the card and then counting the score on the front) or modified cards with some or all targets blacked out so as to only leave the 10/bull open and it is a case of “Bull or Bust”, additional variations going forward may include 2-man teams, “Take (out) a number”, and other fun yet challenging variations of competitive shooting.

Scores and results are marked and announced on the night as well as on our 50-metre WhatsApp group (if you are not in there and would like to be, speak to a member of staff or the Committee and get your number forwarded to Wes, Angela or Steve (SAS) who can add you to the group) details and results of our “formal competitions” will be posted on the website as well.

The club’s competitions, and by extension, during competitions, the range they are shot on, are only open to members but that is something easily fixed by filling out a form and paying your fees!